Saturday, March 14, 2015
Happy Pi Day and welcome to the last trimester of the year! As we begin the final push for this last trimester, please note these changes in grading practices: final grades will now be calculated solely from summative quizzes and tests. Quizzes and tests will each be worth 50% of the total cumulative score. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. Quizzes will be given every other Friday. Mid-module and end-of-module assessments will be dictated by our progress in each module.
Yes, this means that classwork and homework are formative, so why bother doing it? Classwork and homework is where learning and practice occur. This means that ALL of your learning will be reflected in your quiz and test scores. Remember that quizzes and tests can always be retaken!
I'm also available for extra help during these times:
* before school any day (I'm at school by 7am!)
* Mondays - second recess
* Tuesdays - both recesses and lunch
* Wednesdays - second recess
* Thursdays - first recess
* Fridays - both recesses and lunch
Please let me know if you have any questions. Math on!
Mrs. Z.